Single key command options

One of the powerful keystroke reduction techniques of MYCADKEYS is to reduce ALL command responses to a single character e.g.

PL<enter>... Place Line prompts for OSNAPS:


ENTER <enter> key is not required, thus for example, instead of "END<enter>" simply press  "E" with NO <enter>.

C<enter>... Copy prompts for SELECT objects:

=byproperty/*everything/All/Block/Crossing/Dialogue/Entlast/Fen/Grp/Just-bfr/Last/New/Over(WP)/Prev/Under(CP)/Visible/Window/eXcl/  +/-/?/<[done]>/<<add/remove>>

L<enter>...Layer prompts for Layer command OPTIONS:


Command key-letters may be combined to issue a secondary command option e.g.  LH<enter> is the same effect as L<enter>H =  Layer Higlight.