Getting Started:

Before you do anything else go to Getting Started to see how MYCADKEYS works.


Introduction by Colin Wright

Hi I’m Colin Wright author of MYCADKEYS

I started using Autocad shortly after its release in 1982.

The only user interface then was the Command line and in spite of the addition over time of various extensive and sophisticated menu systems the Commandline is still the best interface.

Keyboard shortcuts became an even better way of using the Commandline but Autocad’s relatively few and poorly defined aliases were confusing and inadequate so I decided to create my own using ACAD.PGP. Hence a collection of shortcuts that I called CADSPEAK.

In 1986 Autolisp was introduced making it possible to create one’s own commands and names for them and execute almost any combination of commands and parameters in a single function rather than Autocad command words or aliases that will only start commands leaving the operator to finish them.

CADSPEAK was progressively developed whilst using it daily as a full-time CAD drafter for the next twenty-six years.

The current evolution re-badged as MYCADKEYS is now being made available to anyone who wants to become a true professional CAD drafter.

Let me demonstrate it to you then you decide if you wish to try it.

First let's get the terminology right.

Alias.   A short version of a command name e.g. PL for PLINE. (Autocad) Has same effect as typing the full  command name on the Commandline.  Needs an <enter> to execute.

Shortcut. (keyboard)   A combination of keys such as Ctrl+chr when pressed together either at the command prompt or mid-command inputs a command string to the command line e.g. Ctrl+E might issue the command "END <enter>" .

Function Key.  Such as F8 that switches the drawing environment between Orthographic or non-orthographic drawing.

Generic Autocad  command.  A standard command supplied by the program.

Custom command.  An add-on custom command supplied by third-party software add-on.  May have a long name or Alias.

Lisp function. A command or sub-function that can only be executed by entering a lisp expression at the command prompt.